mount --bind; changes to mounted dir do not update original? Solution?
Hello, thanks for reading. I'll give a really quick background first so you'll know what I am doing.
I have a folder of folders with a binary and some configuration files. I want to give someone ftp access to this folder and the folder and files in it, but not the binary. Because they also have the ability to run the binary, and its a security risk to allow them to change what that binary is.
So thinking I was clever, I wrote a script that created dummy files/folders that pointed to the real ones using symbolic links (ln -s) and then gave the user access to those. This however definitely did not work with ftp. They just show up as shortcuts and do not behave as a symbolic link. So I did some research and learned about mount --bind. So again I did the same thing, created dummy files/folders and used mount --bind to point them to their real counterparts.
This appeared to work in FTP just fine until the user started adding/editing files. All the files the user uploads or edits does apply to the mounted folder, but remains unchanged to the real original folder. Thus the binary does not recognize any new configuration the user puts in place because it never sees them.
So I guess my question is, how can I create dummy files/folders that a user can alter/add to using ftp that causes the originals to accept the changes/modifications?
ln -s doesn't work. mount --bind does not work. What else is there?
Help greatly appreciated! Thank you.