Modprobe crashes system after unrelated emerge
Can anyone tell me what emerging enlightenment could possibly do that would cause modprobe to crash on insmod (ing) a module that it had no problem with before the emerge?
I have the hostap_pci modules running for my wireless card.
I compiled and installed them myself and got my card up/configured/and working. I emerged a lot of stuff and restarted and my system hangs on modprobe hostap_pci (one of the 3 hostap modules I need).
So, unable to determine the cause, I rebuilt the system step by step, rebooting after every emerge and checking to make sure that the modprobe still worked.
It worked after nvidia-kernel, nvidia-glx, X, emerges, then when I emerged enlightenment it broke. The emerge was of 11 packages none of which have anything to do with the kernel or modules. HOW is this possible? How can I find out what could possibly have gone wrong? There is no error message to speak of in dmesg or /var/log/... to indicate what is going wrong. No changes to any of the files in /lib/modules/... and there doesn't seem to be any way I can reverse the error once it occurs.
I modprobe 2 of the 3 hostap modules without any problem. The third module causes the lock-up. ???
Any help would be greatly appreciated (an prevent me from losing my mind)! Thanks