make and gcc compile errors
I'm trying to compile GCC 3.2.1 in slackware to try and take advantage of the optimisations since the default package is only i386.
I'm getting various compile errors. One was crtsuff.c Internal error: Seg fault . The most recent one I didn't write down but it had to do w/ linking to an object file. I'm not on my linux box so I can't paste the error messages in here. I've tried only compiling "c" instead of objc and c++ w/ the "--enable-language=" flag. Here are the params I've tried when compiling. My guess is they're too agressive which is why it's messing up. Here's the command I've tried typing in w/o "":
"./configure --host=i686-linux-gnu --enable-language=c,c++,objc --enable-shared --disable-multilib"
then "make"
I don't have a comp sci degree but I have programmed before to some extent before; what I'm trying to say is I'm just looking at the compile flags and choosing the ones I think fit.
I've also tried doing a make clean after the compile errors which didn't seem to help. ./configure doesn't report any errors and it does compile for a few mintues before spitting out an error. I'm also guessing when I do a make install it will copy the libs to the right directory or should I specify it w/ flags during the ./configure.
Anything I should try?
Thanks for the help.