I made a theme once for Fluxbox and GTK that looked a LOT like the matrix. I just edited one of the theme files for Fluxbox so that it was high contrast green boarders on black, and then made a simple green and black GTK theme. It worked nice, and was very fast. In my opinion Fluxbox is more hard core 'matrixy' then KDE is. The stuff in the matrix didn't have icons and stuff like that. Then again, I'm partial because I perfer Fluxbox over KDE anyway. Then I would use Aterm with transparancy like "aterm -tr -sh 65 -bg black -fg green -trsb" and the terminal would have green text with a little bit of the background showing through. I also used xscreensaver's GLMatrix as the screensaver. Looked pretty cool. I'm sorry I dont have the theme files laying around for Fluxbox and GTK, as they were both custom and I formatted my hard drive and switched distributions a few months ago I lost them, but they shouldn't be too hard to make with a little fooling around, wouldn't have to be anything very complicated, just basic colors. To change your console prompt and add color to it, you can create a .bashrc in your home directory and set the prompt with PS1=whatever and use prompt color codes. You may try:
PS1="\033[32m \u@\h \W\$ "
or something to that nature... whatever floats your boat. Hope this helps.
Last edited by Oxagast; 12-21-2005 at 04:21 AM.