I can only assume this is a pressing problem.
what you can do as a quick fix:
move you mail directory to /home/mail as you have 15Gigs of space there. Howerver, keep in mind, mail "should" go in /var/spool/mail.
you'll have to edit your config files for you mail system, look for lines like "/var/spool/mail" and change them to /home/mail
also copy over the files, perserve permissions..make sure you create the mail directory under /home with the same permissions /var/spool/mail has...
a perminate fix would be to aquire another harddisk and mount that as /var/spool/mail, once again copy'ing data over and perserving permissions, as well as making sure that the new mount has the correct permissions...
the perminate fix is desired.
or you can do something really satanic, and just create a sym link, but you shouldn't do that, so I'll let you figure that one out