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Old 11-26-2004, 11:14 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Linux for Old PC's

I run SuSe and Mandrake on two different computers. I want to get rid of Windows 98 on an older PC that has only about 48Meg of ram and a PII 200Mhz processor.

This PC will only be used for running amateur radio software, to log contacts etc, and control radios. It currently runs windows 98 fine. So there must be a distro with xwindows that should run on this PC as well. I just haven't found one yet.

Any advice?

Old 11-27-2004, 01:01 AM   #2
Registered: Aug 2004
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RHEL 3 update 3
I think you may only run in console mode, since your 48MB memory can't afford the X.
Old 11-27-2004, 03:11 AM   #3
Registered: Mar 2004
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VectorLinux will run perfectly. I run it on the laptop below. The only thing you might want to do is dupe Mozilla Suite for Firefox.
Old 11-27-2004, 05:33 AM   #4
Mega Man X
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Debian or Slackware should get the job done nicely . Though, I agree with the post above, if you are using it as server only, no need fo X.
Old 11-27-2004, 10:28 PM   #5
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Your answers

Thanks for the replies. I will try Vector, never heard of it til now. I do have a copy of Debian around here somewhere as well.

Unfortunately I expect I will need a windows environment as I wish to use if for the web as well. Online call sign lookup databases etc, are accessible via the web. And although its been a long time since I used a unix web browser, I don't think it will work very well with some of the sites I have to use. Therefore I will need a graphical front end.

I'm sure one of your suggestions will work. I just can't see windows98 being able to run on a PC with 48Meg, and not linux.
Old 11-28-2004, 01:21 AM   #6
Registered: Jun 2004
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I don't know how much ram the X window system takes up, but my understanding is that it is the window manager that really eats up memory. You could look into a trimmer window manager. There are many options available. I have a friend that recommends xfce (this would be a step lighter, but still fairly friendly). There are others that are more common, less friendly, and lighter in weight.
Old 11-28-2004, 03:25 AM   #7
Registered: Mar 2004
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Re: Your answers

Originally posted by ve4tjr
Thanks for the replies. I will try Vector, never heard of it til now. I do have a copy of Debian around here somewhere as well.

Unfortunately I expect I will need a windows environment as I wish to use if for the web as well. Online call sign lookup databases etc, are accessible via the web. And although its been a long time since I used a unix web browser, I don't think it will work very well with some of the sites I have to use. Therefore I will need a graphical front end.

I'm sure one of your suggestions will work. I just can't see windows98 being able to run on a PC with 48Meg, and not linux.
VectorLinux is based on slackware and comes with 3 Window Managers. They are FluxBox, IceWM (my personal favorite), and XFCE. Also one quick note before you boot up and panic: By default Vector doesn't boot straight into X (your windows system) so after you log in you have to type

That will bring up a menu that let's you select your window manager.

You can run the program VASM which has the settings and make it so that X will start on boot-up, but I haven't tried it since I do a lot of work from the console and find that when compiling programs it goes a lot faster when you don't have X using resources.
Old 11-28-2004, 04:40 AM   #8
Registered: Nov 2004
Distribution: delilinux
Posts: 34

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I use DeLi Linux on my old 133mhz P1.

It's light as a feather and actually runs fast on it!

It's based on Slackware 7.1 and has XFree86 3.3.6 so it supports old cards.

I am an absolute noob to Linux (this is my 1st attempt at even installing it and I have no idea what Im doing yet).
I got it installed and online (through my LAN no less) in a few hours.

Chk it out!

Old 02-09-2006, 09:11 PM   #9
Registered: Apr 2005
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old computers beg for damn small linux 2.2, for sure. this thread has an easy install write-up:


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