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Old 01-01-2003, 11:09 PM   #1
Registered: Mar 2002
Location: San Francisco, CA
Distribution: Open/FreeBSD, Gentoo, SuSE
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Rep: Reputation: 38
Linux for iBook. (Possible investment)

K, So I think my p75MHZ Toshiba Sattelite laptop is a tad to old to be a decent workstation for PIMs/Multimedia so Im in search for a new laptop.

With all that is in the news about Apple dropping motarola and moving over to x86, Would it be wise to invest in a iBook? They look so damn sexxy and i know a few distos have a PPC version, which is what i'd need for a mac (right?). Would all the programs you run need to be ported to PPC? or is it just the kernel/base that needs to be PPC?

1). Would it be wise to invest in an iBook?
2). How well does GNU/Linux run on it (lets say their latest model)

Hopefully there will be a mandy9 PPC release, as Mandy so far is my favorite . And YES, the style of the hardware matters (at least to me) and, for the most part, they (apple) doesn't support that one company that has that speical key inbetween your crtl and alt key. (grr!)

Any suggestions would be great.
Old 01-02-2003, 05:49 AM   #2
Registered: Dec 2001
Location: Chester, GBR
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What's wrong with the Tosh? I still use my SatPro400 (P75, 24MB, 800MB) dual boot Win95/Pygmy Linux - damn fine workstation!

I use Linux on all my 'obsolete' hardware; keeps them going for years after 'normal' people would've junked 'em.
Old 01-02-2003, 02:42 PM   #3
Registered: Mar 2002
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Can it run fullscreen viz with dvd video composite ontop while streaming oggs? =) i NEED more power. Not like i wont use my P75, hell I enjoy it more then my 2ghz p4 desktop... just feels... clean, slow but clean. Also got it for free, which makes it feel awesome.
Old 01-02-2003, 05:41 PM   #4
Registered: Jul 2002
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Well the last time i played with a PPC distro of linux it was MkLinux and it was in DR2. What i know from this, is that the kernel is specificaly run for a mach64 style kernel. Which happens to be of corse the chipset of macs. Any software that you want to run under a PPC distro has to be ported for the mach64 architecture. I did have alot of sucess (even tho it was almost 5 years ago now) with mklinux and i liked it alot. What i dint like was the mac it self. Yes you can do linux with a mac, would i prefer or even want to? No
Old 01-03-2003, 07:27 AM   #5
Registered: Dec 2002
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I would go for the iBook and just use OSX. OSX looks hot and is more stable than Mandrake, RedHat, SuSE (despite what all the linux fans say about the stability of linux).

My last 6 mths of using linux on a notebook have been very time inefficient to say the least. Configuring the linmodem, printer, digital camera - has taken a fairly solid 6 mths of work and still the camera does not work. With Windows and Mac it was complete in less than 5mins.

I think you can get Gentoo for PPC.
Old 01-03-2003, 10:30 AM   #6
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When you talk about investment and ibook in the same sentence it is kind of spooky.On a investment you usually expect some return of at least try to minimise your losses.
With the pricing they got there is no way ever I would get one of those.More expensive and slower than x86 but if you got money to burn go for it.Or even better send it to me - I'll send you my account info.
Old 01-03-2003, 07:49 PM   #7
Registered: Dec 2002
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Definately agree that iBooks are slower using MAC OSX. Not sure how fast the iBook would be with linux, but would have to assume that it would be much slower than a pentium notebook.

I woud NOT recommend the ibook if you are going to use linux.

But would recommend the iBook with MAC OSX over Pentium with linux.

(sorry - i am a little anti-linux at the moment).


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