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Old 08-21-2014, 06:41 AM   #1
Registered: Oct 2013
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Linux FIND command, exclude several path, where most files?


im doing regular search in files contents in around 25 linux file systems (mostly redhat, debian).,

i want to lower load on server by excluding folders which contains only system files and alot of files

Which linux folders contains most files?

I found i can exclude folders like this:

find . -type f -name "*searched phrasse*" ! -path "./tmp/*" ! -path "./var/log/*"
the linux will entirelly skip above excluded directories, or it will go into them and search, but only mute listing? thx

i mainly want to relieve disk I/O operations, thats also why i added "/bin/nice -n 19 " before the find command
Old 08-21-2014, 08:03 AM   #2
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This is intriquing and sorry I don't yet have a solution. I'm beginning to wonder if you need to use a script. My first thinking was that find would have an exclude path option; it does not. Actually the first thought was to just try what you did, with a suspicion that it would not work. It does not, and suggest you also try it.

From some top level, I have ./1.txt and then made sub-directories 'a' and 'b' and placed 2.txt and 3.txt in each, and then did a find for all "*.txt" from that top level. A normal find, of course then finds all three of those txt files.

This is what I see in the manpage for find under the section about the -path option:

To ignore a whole directory tree, use -prune  rather  than
              checking  every  file in the tree.  For example, to skip the directory `src/emacs' and all files and directories under it, and print
              the names of the other files found, do something like this:
                        find . -path ./src/emacs -prune -o -print
So as a result, the find for me might be something like the following to exclude the 'a' sub-directory:
find . -name "*.txt" -path ./a -prune -o -print
The problem is, that doesn't work in fact it so anti-works it's almost manic. What that command does is also finds other files not matching "*.txt" and it also finds files in the 'a' sub-directory.

Seeing as the man page's example did not use a pattern I therefore chose to use their supplied example almost verbatim:
find . -path ./a -prune -o -print
THAT actually does exclude the sub-directory as specified. The problem I see there is that it won't accept a file pattern match, because as soon as I put in the -name directive, it goes back to finding all files.

Here's the full run:

~/testcode$ ls -R
2.txt  a  b  myfile.txt  test.c  signed  signed.c


## So that's everything in my current directory, and below

~/testcode$ find . -name "*.txt"
## That's all "*.txt" in my current directory, and below

~/testcode$ find . -path ./a -prune -o -print
## This is their default -prune method, as you can see it excludes ./a

~/testcode$ find . -path ./a -prune -o -print -name "*.txt"
## This still excludes ./a however it doesn't perform file pattern match for "*.txt"

~/testcode$ find . -name "*.txt" -path ./a -prune -o -print
## This is actually WORSE, it somehow disables the -prune action and also doesn't limit to "*.txt"
Sorry, this is "halfway" and I'm wondering if there is a real one-line "find" solution that does work.
Old 08-21-2014, 09:41 AM   #3
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The syntax of the -prune option to find is somewhat subtle
From 'info find'
find . -name '.snapshot' -prune -o \( \! -name '*~' -print0 \)
The first part of the `find' command here identifies files or
directoires named `.snapshot' and tells `find' not to recurse into them
(since they do not need to be copied). The combination `-name
'.snapshot' -prune' yields false for anything that didn't get pruned,
but it is exactly those files we want to copy. Therefore we need to
use an OR (`-o') condition to introduce the rest of our expression.
The remainder of the expression simply arranges for the name of any
file not ending in `~' to be printed.


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