Linksys WPC11 PCMCIA Wireless in RH 8.0 - Need Help
Hello all - trying to get my Linksys wpc11 wireless pcmcia card up and running on my Red Hat 8.0 box. Running the 2.4 kernel - also have the latest pcmcia-cs.
I have compiled and installed the wlan-ng version 0.1.16 pre6. - Compiled from source - all went fine.
I edited all the necessary files per the readme and what I could find on the net - This includes the following:
I copied over the wlancfg-DEFAULT to wlancfg-"mySSID' and set the wlan.conf file to use that SSID.
also created /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-wlan0 with my IP settings - which are at DHCP.
Created an alias in /etc/modules.conf for 'alias wlan0 prism2_cs'
I did not edit the /etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng.opts as there was not one, I do not beleive the newest version uses it. I did look at wireless.opts but saw nothing in there i needed to change.
I restarted pcmcia:
'Shutting down PCMCIA services: cardmgr modulesds: Device or resource busy.
yenta_socket: Device or resource busy
pcmcia_core: Device or resource busy
Starting PCMCIA services: cardmgr.
Though it gave Device or resource busy, it looked like it restarted fine.
I then insert my card and nothing. I try bringing up wlan0 and it says device not found -
So for some reason, my comp is not recognizing wlan0 - I do not know why.
Anyone Have Any Ideas of What I Could Try?
Last edited by Slinger; 11-14-2002 at 03:41 PM.