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Old 01-07-2006, 02:14 PM   #1
Senior Member
Registered: Jul 2004
Location: Germany
Distribution: open SUSE 11.0, Fedora 7 and Mandriva 2007
Posts: 1,662

Rep: Reputation: 47
klamav-0.32-installer.tar.gz installation

I am trying to install an Anti-virus program for my Mandriva Linux 2006 version. Mine is a 64 bit version.

I have downloaded the following file and decompressed it successfully.


After the decompression, I have received the following two files:




It worked fine. Please read the following:

[root@c83-250-91-176 klamav-0.32-installer]# sh ./DoubleClickOrExecuteMeToInstallKlamaAV-0.32*
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing KlamAV.............................................................................................. .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... ..........................
Checking your ClamAV Installation

Clamscan binary present...
freshclam binary present...

Testing existence of 'clamav' user group..

Good: clamav group already exists.

Looks Good! Will now proceed with the graphical installation...

Please wait while the Arkollon installer is compiled

This may take a few moments


Afterwards, I have received a separte screen under the title of 'installing KlamAv'

It stopped in the middle of the process and asked me to look at the log file.
The following is the log file:

***** Dazuko
***** Running configure (./configure)...
checking host system type... Linux
checking for make utility... ok (make)
checking for C compiler... ok (cc)
kernel source in /lib/modules/2.6.12-12mdk/build... no
kernel source in /usr/src/linux... no
error: kernel source files not found

***** Return value 1


Then I looked at their FAQs.

If you go to the above site, you will read the following:

3.1 What does "error: kernel source files not found" mean?

The "configure" script was unable to determine the location of the Linux kernel source code. This is required in order to build Dazuko. Make sure you have installed the "kernel-source" package. If you have the kernel source code, you can specify its location using the "--kernelsrcdir=" argument. For example:

$ ./configure --kernelsrcdir="/usr/src/linux-2.6.5"

My knowledge of Linux is not sufficient to grab the meaning of the above. Does it ask me to run the above command? I don't think so because I have received a graphical window of installation. It tells me the configuration process was unable to find the location of the kernel source code. If it is the case, the above command wouldn't suit for my system because it may be different on my system.

How do I find the exact location of the kerner source code?


I wrote the following command to find out the kernel number.

[nissanka@c83-250-91-176 ~]$ uname -a
Linux 2.6.12-12mdk #1 Fri Sep 9 17:26:56 CEST 2005 x86_64 AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+ unknown GNU/Linux
[nissanka@c83-250-91-176 ~]$


I suspect this downloaded 'klamav-0.32-installer.tar.gz ' file is not for 64 bit program. It is meant for 32 bit program.

Your help is profoundly appreciated.

Last edited by Gins; 01-07-2006 at 02:26 PM.
Old 01-07-2006, 02:50 PM   #2
Senior Member
Registered: Jul 2004
Location: Germany
Distribution: open SUSE 11.0, Fedora 7 and Mandriva 2007
Posts: 1,662

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I just looked for the place where the kernel resides.

I wrote the following command.

[root@c83-250-91-176 nissanka]# find / -name linux

[root@c83-250-91-176 nissanka]#

[root@c83-250-91-176 nissanka]# find / -name kernel
[root@c83-250-91-176 nissanka]#

Does it tell you about the place where the kernel resides?

Last edited by Gins; 01-07-2006 at 02:52 PM.
Old 01-08-2006, 04:51 AM   #3
Senior Member
Registered: Jul 2004
Location: Germany
Distribution: open SUSE 11.0, Fedora 7 and Mandriva 2007
Posts: 1,662

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Rep: Reputation: 47
I badly need your help to fix the anti-virus program. I urge someone to look at my post and help me.


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