ok just one little question!
what am I doing wrong?
I have just compiled my first kernel and cant get it to boot!
I am upgrading to version 2.4.19
I have done everything it says to do at
but still cant get it to boot.
I built the image using the command:
nohup make bzImage & tail -f nohup.out
from the /usr/src/linux-2.4.19
Im wondering if it has something to do with the options i chose in xconfig?
when I chose my new kernel to boot fron lilo
it starts off ok
the last thing it says is:
Uncompressing Linux...Ok, booting kernel.
and then it stops with a blank line?
My system confing is:
AMD Athlon 1700Xp
512mb DDR
40Gb Maxtor hdd
soltek mainboard
geforce 2 ti
creative sound blaster live 5.1
realtek nic
if anyone is able to give me some suggestions on this they are most welcome, because i have no idea what is going wrong? (even reading books doesnt seem to give me much help!!)
also if you could give me some tips concerning the xconfig?
cheers guys