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Old 06-14-2004, 06:21 PM   #1
Registered: Mar 2004
Location: Turkey
Distribution: Ubuntu
Posts: 38

Rep: Reputation: 15
Kernel Problems. Howto Compile a new kernel from 4.2 with backwards compatibility ?

I am a newbie to kernel compiling. I have a fujitsu siemens laptop and i am using slackware 9.1 on it. as u know, it comes with kernel 2.4.x and i want to update it 2.6.6 but i encounter problems.

First of all, i dont know the difference between saying yes or module while comfiguring kernel in gconfig or xconfig. How can compiling something as a module affect my system?

And when i first install slack it detects eveything well and it also opens the startup screen in a resolution of 1024x768 but after i compile kernel it goes back to its original state. I launch X11R6 and when i go back to shell, shell is shown like a mixing drink.

And my network does not work as a result i cannot connect to net.

Can anyone pls help me to keep my existing values from old kernel and compile only the needed parts and some extra parts like wireless support.


Old 06-16-2004, 01:22 AM   #2
Registered: Dec 2003
Location: California
Distribution: Kubuntu 6.1
Posts: 548

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saying yes will compile it into your kernel
saying M will compile it as a module that you will have to load up on your own

you need to say yes for anything like the right network card
the right file system type

and then you can can say M for other things if your not sure
or just leave them blank

just make sure you know what you need to compile in first

the reason you can connect to the net is prolly cuz you didn't add support for it when you recompiled
you prolly wont get sound working either
and it seems like it try to compile SMP or multi prossessor in by deafault and you want to check this off unless you have more then one prossessor
make sure you have your kinda system selected as well

once compile right everything will work right
Old 06-19-2004, 07:02 AM   #3
Registered: Mar 2004
Location: Turkey
Distribution: Ubuntu
Posts: 38

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 15

After compiling my system with Y`es it is working properly. But only the 1024x768x64 command promp does not work. Do u have any advices about this?



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