Kernel 2.6 Install & Software RAID
I have a Shuttle AN51R with 2 PATA drives on standard IDE primary as master and slave. WindowsXP is installed on one partition with 35GB unpartitioned space available for Suse 9.1 Pro. YAST indicates that the BIOS reports the drives (hda and hdb) as software RAID (along with the standard disclaimer about losing the existing data upon installation of the Linux OS). I had this same problem with my previous motherboard (Asus A7N8X-E Deluxe) even with the jumper installed to disable the Serial ATA RAID controller. Ironically I bought the new motherboard in partial attempts to avoid this problem.
I am tempted to just install anyway and see what happens. I backup all my files regularly to another drive and it is probably time to reinstall the Volish OS on general principal anyway.
Is this a real error? What are my options?
Thanks for any help you can offer.
- Cory