Just when I thought I could dump windows...
I'm just wondering how people here deal with mp3 players?
I've just bought one but it seems I have to keep booting up windows to use it.
The device is detected in suse and ubuntu just fine and I can copy mp3's to and from it.
It's just that it seems so much hassle I keep ending up going into windows to put songs on it.
Firstly, it seems there is no way to browse audio cd's in ubuntu so I have to open the cd with sound juicer the extract the files and then convert them to mp3 before finally copying them to the mp3 player. Sound juicer or anything else I've tried, won't let me extract the files as mp3's.
The only other way I found was to use konqueror to browse the cd and copy the actual mp3 files onto hard disk or straight to the player.
The huge problem with this is that whether I do it in suse or ubuntu it takes around 10 minutes at least per mp3 to copy them directly to the player or at leat 5 minutes per mp3 to copy them to hard drive first (I hoped it would transfer quicker if done from hard drive to player). It just keeps saying stalled.
Yet copying to the player in nautilus takes seconds and copying from the player in either nautilus or konqueror takes seconds.
So I'm left with a pretty crappy choice.
1) Extract the files then convert them then copy them to the player in nautilus, which is very time consuming .
2) Use konqueror to copy from cd to player at over 2 hours per album.
3) Use windows which does an entire album in about 10-15 minutes.
I was really hoping to use the windows partition for other things
since I have no other reason to use it.
Last edited by fannymites; 12-17-2005 at 08:46 AM.