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Old 03-03-2003, 02:44 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2003
Posts: 8

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Is this the correct partition strategy for a database?

Installing Linux 7.2 for an Informix database.

I have installed Linux 7.2 on a IBM xseries 235 server. The server
has 5 scsi hard drives and uses a raid hardware controller.

I have set up raid 5 with 3 of the hard drives and raid 1 with the other 2.

All applications will be on the raid 5 array (sda). The database will
be on the raid1 array(sdb). Here is my partiton strategy.

sda1 100M /boot
sda2 10000M /
sda3 10000M /var
sda4 49000M extended
sda5 27000M /usr
sda6 2000M swap
sda7 10000M /datalog

The"/datalog partition" is for the database log files.

sdb1 17300M /opt

sdb1 is for the database.

How does this setup look? Any suggetions?
Old 03-03-2003, 04:04 PM   #2
Registered: Nov 2002
Location: Nashville
Distribution: FreeBSD, Linux, OS-X
Posts: 544

Rep: Reputation: 30
Re: Is this the correct partition strategy for a database?

Originally posted by cstovall
Installing Linux 7.2 for an Informix database.

I have installed Linux 7.2 on a IBM xseries 235 server. The server
has 5 scsi hard drives and uses a raid hardware controller.

I have set up raid 5 with 3 of the hard drives and raid 1 with the other 2.

All applications will be on the raid 5 array (sda). The database will
be on the raid1 array(sdb). Here is my partiton strategy.

sda1 100M /boot
sda2 10000M /
sda3 10000M /var
sda4 49000M extended
sda5 27000M /usr
sda6 2000M swap
sda7 10000M /datalog

The"/datalog partition" is for the database log files.

sdb1 17300M /opt

sdb1 is for the database.

How does this setup look? Any suggetions?
Where will /home go, and how many users will you have? You will commit 17.3 gig to the database, and 10gig to the logs. That seems like a lot of space for the log files. We use 100 logs, with each 1 meg. We use continuous logging to tape. Of course, if you have lots of long transactions your needs can be vastly higher than ours. Looks good to me, otherwise.



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