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Old 01-01-2003, 08:55 AM   #1
Registered: May 2002
Location: Shanghai, PRC
Distribution: RedHat 6.2 | 7.2 | 8 | 9|3
Posts: 81

Rep: Reputation: 15
Angry IPTABLES redirect question

Hi all,

We've got two RedHat 7.2 servers (A and B) in our LAN. Server A has 2
network cards, one is 202.x.x.1(eth0) and the other is 192.168.x.1(eth1).
Server B has only one network card and the IP address is 192.168.x.2(eth0).
We can access server A and even our LAN from outside. Now I want do such
kind of work, through which we can browse the APACHE website on server B.
That means when someone browse http://202.x.x.1:80, server A will forward
this request to server B, that is 192.168.x.2:80. This is the command I
typed on server A: $iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -s 0/0 -d
localhost --dport 80 -j DNAT --to 192.168.x.2:80.
But I'm sure that's a wrong method, since I still see the apache test page
on server A, instead of formal website on server B.
Please give me some advice.
Any help will be appreciated.

Old 01-01-2003, 09:10 AM   #2
Registered: May 2002
Location: Shanghai, PRC
Distribution: RedHat 6.2 | 7.2 | 8 | 9|3
Posts: 81

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Rep: Reputation: 15
Something to supplement: Server A does the NAT work for the whole LAN using iptables POSTROUTING chain, including server B.
Old 01-01-2003, 11:47 AM   #3
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surely you know better that to double post by now?


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