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sirius57 10-06-2005 07:19 PM

It appears that flightgear is not installed. I tried the full command and nothing was listed. I typed 'rpm -ql flightgear', and the reply was 'package flightgear not installed'. Is there a more reliable way to install an rmp or did I not have a valid rpm?

tkedwards 10-06-2005 07:39 PM

Its either installed or its not, there's no unreliability. If it didn't have any errors on the install then maybe the package is named something else besides 'flightgear'. Just do a

rpm -qa | grep -i flight
and find out the name of the package.

sirius57 10-06-2005 08:32 PM

Ok, I typed rpm -qa | grep -i flight and did get a response of: 'flightgear-0.9.3-91'. Is that the executable file?

tkedwards 10-06-2005 09:27 PM

No that's the name of the package. Post the output of

rpm -ql flightgear
and I'll see if I can pick out which one is the executable file.

sirius57 10-07-2005 08:43 PM

The command 'rpm -ql flightgear' returned package not installed. I also tried as root. The command 'rpm -qa | grep flight' still returns the package name. I did not delete the package from my home folder.

jschiwal 10-07-2005 09:06 PM

Use YaST to install the program. The rpm package is on your installation disk but it isn't installed.

sirius57 10-08-2005 12:15 PM

I made it install and run flight gear. I am not sure if this was the problem, but I gave the package full permissions, then went to the /usr folder and saw the file, so I went to terminal mode. The first time, the box locked up, but the second time it ran. I am starting to learn how packages are installed and where. Is there a man file on terminal commands so I can learn how to use them?

jschiwal 10-15-2005 06:08 AM

There are a number of documentation sources available to you right now. 1) man pages 2) info pages 3) documentation packages 4) web sites.

You could use "info". info coreutils is a good place to start.
Also, look at the bash documentation: "info bash"

It will be easier to read in the konqueror browser:


This works for man-pages also:

For "coreutils" and "bashref" you might consider installing the source rpm so that you can create a professional looking printed manual. This process is a bit involved, but if you are feeling adventurous:
step 1) install the source rpm. (For SuSE, click on the source box in YaST)
2) cd to the SPECS directory: cd /usr/src/packages/SPECS
3) apply the patches, just in case the documentation changed:
rpmbuild -bp coreutils.spec
4) cd to the BUILD directory. That is were the source is.
cd ../BUILD
5) cd to the package's source directory:
cd coreutils-5.3.0
6) run ./configure to produce the makefile
7) generate the doument:
make ps # for postscript
make pdf # for the pdf version of the manual
make dvi # for the dvi version. (This one is produced regardless because the ps and pdf versions are converted from the coreutils.dvi file)
8) now copy the coreutils.pdf (or .ps or .dvi) file where you want it.

The core utils manual is 201 pages long.

Here is another way to read man-pages:
man -t <topic> | gv -antialias -scale 2 -media letter -
of course you can use kghostview instead. For example:
man -t fstab | kghostview -

Maybe you want to print out a manpage.
man -t find | lpr

Also, be sure to explore your system for documentation that you have installed.
Also, look for documentation that you can install:

rpm -q -all | grep doc reveals these packages:


The samba-doc package for example contains the html versions of the same samba books that you can purchase at Barnes & Nobles.

If you have SuSE professional, (maybe the other versions have it also, but I'm to lazy to check) there is a package of howtos that contains all of the howto's from the website.

The website contains a link to the linuxgazette website, where you can down load archives of their old magazines. These magazines have how-to articles showing how to use various commands from the console.

jschiwal 10-15-2005 06:18 AM

Here is a way to make installing by rpm's easier. Search for the rpm at the website

Use the advanced options feature to filter out the other distros from your search.
Select an rpm file for your distro.

This web site has added a feature to analyse your system and tell you if you need to install any dependencies. If you do, you can click on the filename highlighted and download that dependency.

In the case where there is a circular dependency, you can try downloading all of the rpm files and use the rpm command to install them. Include all of the files in the argument list:
rpm -Uhv package1.rpm package2.rpm package3.rpm

sirius57 10-17-2005 02:25 PM

Thanks for the info. That looks like a good primer!

jschiwal 10-18-2005 04:35 AM

You are welcome. To answer an earlier question about the pbone site:

How does one check if they have all the support files?
There is a button near the list that lets you install and run a java applet that checks what you have installed and highlights what you need. The highlighted entries are links to the rpm's that you need to install. Hopefully, in time, you will have the most common dependencies and won't need to install as many.

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