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Old 12-31-2009, 08:21 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2009
Posts: 2

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Immutable Folder with removable contents

Hello forums! I've been a long time reader, but some how this is my first post.

Anyways, I did some searching on here, but could not find any thread that covered my question directly, which is understandable because it may seem odd.

Some time ago, I had somehow set permissions on a directory to where it could not be deleted by any user, but all of its contents would be deleted. I know its dumb, but for some reason I cannot remember how I made or chmod'd that directory to behave in that fashion.

Another user accidently deleted it using su - , and I have been trying to recreate it in the way that I had it ever since.

chattr affects the contents of the folder. I havent been able to test sticky bits on it, and I cannot recollect if stickies on parent directories affect contents of folders or no, man pages dont really specify.

I dont have access to this Unix system all the time, so as I said, so I dont get as much time as I would like to play around with it.

Any ideas out there for a scatter brain?

The system in question runs Irix just in case that helps.

But just to recap.. the desired outcome is doing a rm -rf on the directory, getting a permission error as to deleting the directory, but its contents being deleted.

Thanks in advance!
Old 12-31-2009, 08:58 AM   #2
Registered: Jul 2009
Location: Reston, VA
Distribution: Slackware, Ubuntu, RHEL
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you used chattr instead of chmod. If the directory has the immutable bit set (lsattr <dirname> will show you), just say:

chattr -i <whatever>
Old 12-31-2009, 09:19 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2009
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I will have to mess with that again, but I was under the impression that chattr -i affects the files and sub directories of directory on which it is applied.
Old 01-01-2010, 01:11 AM   #4
Valery Reznic
ELF Statifier author
Registered: Oct 2007
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Make this directory owned by root and set permissions to 777
or to 1777 if you want that each user will be able to edit/remove only his own files.

It's exactly settings that /tmp has


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