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69Rixter 05-07-2014 01:59 PM


Yes, I'm aware the "rules" apply EQUALLY. I'm wondering if YOU understand such a concept? Your terminating my thread shows your cowardace and self pity. Your self-importance is highly overrated. IF you know how to read(?), then clearly you should read my last post and TRY to understand what "what can I do on MY end" means. YOU did NOT contribute anything helpful. You did not TRY to, therefore 'circumvented" the very 'rules" you purport that everyone should uphold. I don't care if you 'terminate" this thread or any others for you are unimportant and cannot show anyone where you have been of help. Clearly, you haven't the knowledge of 'port forwarding" for if you had, you would have contributed. I hope everyone else reads this and ignores you. You want to help???...Stay off this site since you have NOTHING USEFUL to contribute!!!
To everyone else: I DO stand by the forum rules. I did, however, ask 2 people who responded to my posts to either contribute or move on! Guess if I'd known a way to block them, that would have been best(?). Onebuck NEVER contibuted one useful post. He also misinterpreted something I wrote. When I asked him to "move on", got offended, whimped-out and cancled my thread. NO BIG DEAL, he wasn't helping nor was one other participant, so I did ask them to just "move on". My cursing consisted of chastising EVERYONE who participated for turning the thread into a "bitch-out". For this, onebuck felt self-important enough to cancel the thread. WHINNY, SELF-IMPORTANT wannabes...I think this forum deserves better!!

suicidaleggroll 05-07-2014 02:41 PM

Habitual 05-07-2014 03:57 PM

jefro 05-07-2014 04:19 PM

I'll assume this thread will be moved to non-linux. It is however a thread that should be edited out, preferably but the OP. No matter the situation or provocation, it is a personal attack.

Is this statement true? "the OP is wanting to circumvent a public wireless access"

LQ is one of the most friendly sites and many people here try to be fully professional. We expect it from all levels of posters. I'm sure there are many other forums that allow all sorts of comments.

Please edit out any negative posts and as suggested above, contact the person for whom you have issue with.

onebuck 05-07-2014 08:16 PM

Moderator Response
This thread is now closed do to LQ Rules violations.

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