Hi John
This should answer some questions about your video card and give some insight about your motherboard.
From Nvidia's website that particular card you have should only come with 64 megs of ram, it did not list any
other amount of memory. Also I checked from another source, and they showed that the card came with 64
megs or RAM on it. So it would be a fair assumption that the card has 64 megs on it. Now as for the mobo
AGP problem, the easiest way is to perform small surgery on your computer. If you take off the side panel, and
remove the video card currently in there, look at the AGP slot it should look something like this.
|_____ ___________________|
If that space is near the back of the computer then it is a 1,2X agp slot. If the slot looks something like this
|__________________ ______|
The slot is closer to the front of the computer, or near the IDE slots, then you have a 4X and up AGP slot.
Your graphics card probably has two slots cut out on the connector, showing it will work with both the 2X and
4X slots. When nvidia came out with the Geforce4 they needed to make it backward compatible with the 2X slots.
Thats why there are two cutout's on the connector. The card itself is capable of handling doom3 at 80 fps, which
is more than enough. The website I got this information from is
This should have more than enough information about your card. The real problem comes in when you try and
play the actual games. You will need to download drivers from nvidias website, if they don't come with the card.
If you are going to buy another card, and replace this one, keep in mind companies such as ATI do not support
linux as well as many others. Ati doesn't even have specific drivers for linux, they only have catalyst rpm's.
Nvidia's website actually has the drivers for your card, and installation instructions for it. They also have linux
drivers for many other cards they make. I hope this helps, if there is anything else I'll try to help.