Icons missing from desktop with VNC and gnome-session
Okay, need a little help here.
Running RedHat 7.2, and vncserver
My xstartup looks like this:
xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
gnome-session &
Now I use the VNC client from Windows 2000 to connect. The display comes up and all seems fine, except for 3 abnormalities I have noticed:
[list=1][*]Right click on the desktop does nothing[*]Launching the "Start Here" from the panel seems to do nothing, but when I look at my X console running on the desktop (I run runlevel 5, and start my X at the beginning), nautilus has launched there instead of my gnome-session inside of VNC[*]There are no desktop icons in the gnome-session in VNC[/list=1]
To clarify, I am running the graphical login at linux boot (gnome window manger). So I already have an X instance running. So it seems my xstartup file may be off since it isn't correctly displaying the desktop.
Any help appreciated,