You're very aware of what happened: GRUB installed the code that should have gone to the MBR in the PBR so now you can't access the partiton's information.
What I think you can do is restoring the PBR from another NTFS partition.
1. Make sure you have access to another NTFS partition of the same kind (Primary/Logical) and the same OS version (XP/2000/NT).
2. Find a system boot CD, like Knoppix, so you can have a completely working system booting from CD.
3. Start the computer with the good partition we will borrow the PBR from with the Knoppix boot CD.
4. Put the PBR into a file with this command:
# dd if=/dev/hdaX of=/root/backup.pbr bs=512 count=1
/dev/hdaX is the partition.
5. Put the file
/root/backup.pbr in a floppy.
6. Start your computer with Knoppix or your already installed Linux system if it's still bootable.
7. Copy the file
backup.pbr from the floppy to
8. Put the recovered PBR into your partition:
# dd if=/root/backup.pbr of=/dev/hdaX bs=512 count=1
/dev/hdaX is your damaged partition.
9. Reboot.
10. Enjoy having all your data again.
11. Answer to this list if you were successful or not.