hsfmodem with KPPP and XISP
I searched a bit but didn't find any threads like this. Here's the scenario:
My laptop has a Conexant modem that works with the linuxant driver (using version I think). For a while I had been using Fluxbox, and with Fb I preferred to use XISP as the dialer instead of KPPP. After upgrading Slackware from 10.1 to 10.2 something strange happened to the dialing procedure. The first time I click on 'connect' it says "dialing using: CHAP/PAP" but doesn't dial the number. When I click 'connect' a second time it does dial.
After upgrading to KDE 3.5 I decided to use KDE again. When I open KPPP and try to dial or query the modem I get the message "Cannot open the modem." So I open XISP and go through the same two 'connect' attempts. After that if I open KPPP it works right.
It seems the modem device is not ready to use immediately after boot. XISP (pppd) can communicate with it to bring it up, but KPPP cannot. Does anyone know what is happening and how to fix it? Thanks in advance.