First of all you need to understand that:
1. MySQL doesn't rely on Apache to run
2. Only the superuser "root" has permission to start any daemon, so you need to log on your linux machine as root.
3. You need to konfigure MySQL after installation before you can start.
Try to locate MySQL files on your system (most probably in /bin) - or run something like this: find / -name mysql_install_db
Note the directory where mysql_install_db is located (the directory should contain most files needed to run mysql) for future use.
Now let's say the result is /bin/mysql_install_db
The next thing you should do, is to try finding out whether or not MySQL is running. Use this command: /bin/mysqladmin -u root -p ping
You'll be asked to enter password for root. Enter root password for Mysql if you've already created, else leave it blank and press return. You should get a message saying: "mysqld is alive".
If MySQL is not alive, and If you've not run mysql_install_db after the installtion, then run: /bin/mysql_install_db
This will configure MySQL by creating the basic database neede to start.
Now, try starting imysqld as mentioned above by Hakan or by running:
/bin/safe_mysql &
That should get mysqld running.
Go ahead and create a root password for mysql by running:
/bin/mysqladmin -u root -p password
Enter a new password for root
Note: Mysql root is not the superuser on your linux machine.
Enjoy MySQL