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marozsas 09-23-2021 09:39 AM

how to output to different streams in python ?
Hi there,

I am reading a database and output data em CSV format to a data migration job.
I have to create 3 separate outputs each one in a different format.
My first approach was creating 3 python programs, each one outputing data in the desired format, but I realize that I have to read the same data from database in each run.
So I was wondering if I can do something similar to this: > part_numbers.csv 2> exportErrors.txt 3> descriptions.csv 4> quantities.csv

How, in python, should I create those additional streams (3 and 4) and how to print to each one ?

michaelk 09-23-2021 10:09 AM

Since you have multiple file formats open a file in python and write whatever you want to each.

f1 = open("part_numbers.csv", "w")
f2 = open("exportErrors.txt", "w")


To do it in bash you would need separate python programs. Basically opening/closing bash file descriptors is the same as higher languages.

exec 3> "part_numbers.csv"
exec 4> "exportErrors.txt" >&3 >&4

I have never tried to write to a file descriptor directly from python but there is os.fdopen function.

boughtonp 09-23-2021 10:51 AM

To expand on what I think Michael is getting at, you can pass the the filenames into the script and open them with Python, then replace your current stdout/print calls with the relevant file handlers.

For example:

$ ./ part_numbers.csv descriptions.csv quantities.csv 2> exportErrors.txt

$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys

file1 = open(sys.argv[1],mode='x')
file2 = open(sys.argv[2],mode='x')
file3 = open(sys.argv[3],mode='x')


(Mode 'x' is similar to 'w' but throws an error if file already exists, instead of truncating it.)

pan64 09-23-2021 11:05 AM

I would suggest you to use the "with" statement like this:

with open('file_to_write', 'w') as f:
    f.write('file contents\n')

marozsas 09-23-2021 11:22 AM

Thank you all !

You all are right , opening to write several files is more pythonic and the way I was trying to achieve using multiple descriptors is more "bashish"...
I will do in that way.

But, just to be clear, conceptually speaking, in linux, a program can have only 2 output streams ? Only stdout and stderr ? It is not possible to have more than 2 ?
I mean, is there a way to a program can be called as "a_program >file_1 2>file_2 3>file_3 4>file_4" ?

thank you,

marozsas 09-23-2021 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by pan64 (Post 6286429)
I would suggest you to use the "with" statement like this:

How I could use "with" with 4 files, as it is the case ?


with open('file_1', 'w') as f1:
    with open('file_2', 'w') as f2:
        with open('file_3', 'w') as f3:
            with open('file_4', 'w') as f4:
                f1.write('file contents\n')
                f2.write('file contents\n')
                f3.write('file contents\n')
                f4.write('file contents\n')

teckk 09-23-2021 11:46 AM

If I understand what you are wanting.



a = "Some text goes here"
b = "A,B,C"
c = "color=red"
d = "A|big|brown|dog"

with open('file1.txt', 'w') as f:
with open('file1.csv', 'w') as g:
with open('file1.conf', 'w') as h:
with open('file2.csv', 'w') as i:




a = "Line 1"
b = "Line 2"
c = "Line 3"
d = "Line 4"

for x in a,b,c,d:
    with open('file3.txt', 'a') as f:
        f.write(x + '\n')

marozsas 09-23-2021 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by teckk (Post 6286434)
If I understand what you are wanting.

Not quite....
There is no a single print to each file.
Instead I read a db, collect the data (let's say it is something like "field_A; field_B; field_C; field_D; field_F") and output a mix of thsi fields:
file_1 -> "field_a; field_b"
file_2 -> "field_a; field_c; field_f"
file_3 -> "field_a; field_d"
file_4 -> "field_a; field_e; field_f"


sql= "select field_a, field_b, field_c, field_d, field_e from table where whatever"
cursor.execute (sql)

with open('file_1', 'w') as f1:
    with open('file_2', 'w') as f2:
        with open('file_3', 'w') as f3:
            with open('file_4', 'w') as f4:
                for field_a, field_b, field_c, field_d, field_e in cursor:
                      <the output to the several files goes here>

too many identations levels, isn't ?



f1= open('file_1', 'w')
f2= open('file_2', 'w')
f3= open('file_3', 'w')
f4= open('file_4', 'w')
sql= "select field_a, field_b, field_c, many_more_fields from table where <complex condition goes here>"
cursor.execute (sql)
for field_a, field_b, field_c, many_more_fields in cursor:
    <the output to the several fields and files goes here>

close (f1)
close (f2)
close (f3)
close (f4)

I think that in this case, explicit close at end of block it is more readable.

michaelk 09-23-2021 01:30 PM

I'm basically a beginner with python...

print("Hello world") ~= print"hello world", file=sys.stdout) opens prints to stdout

print("error message", file=sys.stderr) obviously opens and prints to stderr

I think if you want to write to a file descriptor that isn't 1 or 2 would need to open it with os.fdopen(x,args).
f3 = os.fdopen(3, "w+")
f3.write("something else")

Untested code but something like.


exec 3> "part_numbers.csv" 1> file1 2> file 2 >&3

From my perspective it would be just as easy to open the files as posted above.

boughtonp 09-23-2021 04:48 PM

Since this is a short-lived script, Python should close the files automatically when the script finishes.

(If it were part of a persistent application, that's when you need to worry about either using "with" or explicitly closing - if the latter, you also need suitable exception handling (e.g. "try/finally") to ensure it gets closed if the unexpected occurs.)

In any case, if you're looping through a resultset, instead of writing to each file on every loop iteration, consider storing the results in an array per file, then writing that to file once at the end. Quick example...


data1 = []
data2 = []

for field_a, field_b, field_c, field_d, field_e in cursor:
        data1.append(f"{field_a}; {field_b}")
        data2.append(f"{field_a}; {field_c},{field_f})")

with open('file_1','w') as f1:

with open('file_2','w') as f1:

pan64 09-24-2021 12:31 AM

see here:
you can use one with statement to open more files.

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