I use " chmod " this way :
# chmod [options] [permission_code] <file/dir>
Options(that I use alot)
-R = Recursive
-f = force
I use these permission codes :
Thinking of it this way for me makes it easy :
You always have 0000 :
The first 0 is for special perms like setuid , stickybit and setgid
(you can always read up on those)
So here is the whole thing :
Special User(owner) Group World
0 0 0 0
and then values are like this :
Read = 4
Write = 2
Execute = 1
So then you can add them up and put them in place in the command -
# Example
chmod 0755 (very typical one) file.txt
this would give the user "wrx" the group "rx" and the world "rx" on file.txt
I like it that way because you can do anything with it

like all read for anybody but me

# chmod 0744 file.txt
Well I hope thats what you needed