I could be wrong but to me the version number between your centos and the ntfs rpm do not look the same. If not compiled for the exact same version it will never work. If am wrong then try this. Add ntfs to /etc/filesystem and see if that works.
Edit: I did some browsing and it seems to be a module so run the command as root ' modprobe ntfs ' Then try to mount.
If nothing works then use the search feature above. Lots of other links on ntfs. Compare to ntfs on Fedora. Centos is very similiar but is far better.
Couple other places.
Worst come to worst recompile the kernel. Might as well get the latest at
http://www.kernel.org or maybe newer. Lots of links here on recompiling the kernel. Just have to check the ntfs box when configuring.
Note: NTFS works fine as readonly filesystem. If you enable Writing to the NTFS filesystem you can trash the filesystem altogether. There is no gaurantee it work perfecty. Use at your own risk. Only filesystem both windows and linux can write to without issues is vfat filesystem.
Hope this helps.