how do i create an exact image boot cd?
I'm working on a custom linux box that needs to be EXACTLY dupliacted 1000 times over. Basically, I need to be able to make a cd (or three of four) backup of the entire hard drive and use those cd's to boot another system from scratch. When this whole process is over here is the end goal.
1) Start up base system.
2) Make exact copy of base system onto 1/multiple CDs.
3) Make the cd's bootable.
4) Instert cd 1 of x into new system (with identical hardware) and have it make and exact copy of hte original hd to the new hd.
5) boot up the exact same linux box
How do I do this?
Also, is there a way i can do this with rsync? (no idea how to actually pull it off using rsync)