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-   -   how do I copy a DVD image to run transcoder on it later (

rob.rice 10-22-2014 10:08 AM

how do I copy a DVD image to run transcoder on it later
how do I copy a DVD image to run transcoder on it later ?
will dd do it if so what would the command line be ?
what would the command line be for running transcoder to convert the mpeg2
to mpeg4 ?
will I have to mount the image on a loop device to run transcoder on it ?

Soadyheid 10-22-2014 10:41 AM

Dunno if this'll help...

You could rip it to MP4 using Handbrake then use Transmagedon to change the format later if needed.
I've no experience of transcoder I'm afraid.

Play Bonny!


schneidz 10-22-2014 10:49 AM

this is what i do:

schneidz@xbmc:~$ cat bin/dvdrescue.ksh

 dvd=`lsdvd $1 | head -n 1 | awk '{print tolower($3)}' | sed s/_/-/g`
 lsdvd /dev/sr0 && ddrescue --no-split --verbose --block-size=2048 /dev/sr0 $dvd.iso

schneidz@xbmc:~$ cat bin/xvidenc-ac3-mkv.ksh
# saved output from xvidenc/h264enc
################### START OF COMMANDS ###################
dvd=`lsdvd $1 | grep "Disc Title:" | awk '{print tolower($3)}' | sed s/_/-/g`
#mkdir /home/xbmc/win/stuff/clips/$dvd
titles=`lsdvd $1 | grep ^Title: | cut -b 8-9 | tail -n 1`
if [ -n "$2" ]

while [ $i -le $titles ]

/usr/bin/mencoder "dvd://$i" -nosub -dvd-device $1 -o /dev/null -vf pp=al:c,softskip,unsharp=l5x5:.25:c5x5:.25,harddup -aid 128 -channels 6 -oac lavc -lavcopts acodec=ac3:abitrate=192 -a52drc 1 -ovc xvid -xvidencopts pass=1:turbo:me_quality=6:vhq=4:threads=2:max_bframes=2:bvhq=1:nopacked:quant_type=h263:noqpel:nogmc:trellis:nointerlacing:chroma_me:chroma_opt:hq_ac:nolumi_mask:rc_reaction_delay_factor=0:rc_averaging_period=100:closed_gop:autoaspect -passlogfile "$dvd-`zero-pad-2.x $i`.log"

/usr/bin/mencoder "dvd://$i" -nosub -dvd-device $1 -o "$dvd-`zero-pad-2.x $i`".avi -ffourcc XVID -vf pp=al:c,softskip,unsharp=l5x5:.25:c5x5:.25,harddup -aid 128 -channels 6 -oac lavc -lavcopts acodec=ac3:abitrate=192 -a52drc 1 -ovc xvid -xvidencopts pass=2:bitrate=1000:me_quality=6:vhq=4:threads=2:max_bframes=2:bvhq=1:nopacked:quant_type=h263:noqpel:nogmc:trellis:nointerlacing:chroma_me:chroma_opt:hq_ac:nolumi_mask:rc_reaction_delay_factor=0:rc_averaging_period=100:closed_gop:autoaspect -passlogfile "$dvd-`zero-pad-2.x $i`.log"

sleep 2

/usr/bin/mkvmerge  --title "$dvd-$title-ac3" --track-name 0:"$dvd-$title-ac3" --language 1:en --track-name 1:"AC3 5.1" "$dvd-`zero-pad-2.x $i`.avi"      -o "$dvd-`zero-pad-2.x $i`.mkv"
sleep 2
rm "$dvd-`zero-pad-2.x $i`.avi" "$dvd-`zero-pad-2.x $i`.log"
i=`expr $i + 1`
#################### END OF COMMANDS ####################

rob.rice 10-22-2014 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by schneidz (Post 5257744)
this is what i do:

schneidz@xbmc:~$ cat bin/dvdrescue.ksh

 dvd=`lsdvd $1 | head -n 1 | awk '{print tolower($3)}' | sed s/_/-/g`
 lsdvd /dev/sr0 && ddrescue --no-split --verbose --block-size=2048 /dev/sr0 $dvd.iso

schneidz@xbmc:~$ cat bin/xvidenc-ac3-mkv.ksh
# saved output from xvidenc/h264enc
################### START OF COMMANDS ###################
dvd=`lsdvd $1 | grep "Disc Title:" | awk '{print tolower($3)}' | sed s/_/-/g`
#mkdir /home/xbmc/win/stuff/clips/$dvd
titles=`lsdvd $1 | grep ^Title: | cut -b 8-9 | tail -n 1`
if [ -n "$2" ]

while [ $i -le $titles ]

/usr/bin/mencoder "dvd://$i" -nosub -dvd-device $1 -o /dev/null -vf pp=al:c,softskip,unsharp=l5x5:.25:c5x5:.25,harddup -aid 128 -channels 6 -oac lavc -lavcopts acodec=ac3:abitrate=192 -a52drc 1 -ovc xvid -xvidencopts pass=1:turbo:me_quality=6:vhq=4:threads=2:max_bframes=2:bvhq=1:nopacked:quant_type=h263:noqpel:nogmc:trellis:nointerlacing:chroma_me:chroma_opt:hq_ac:nolumi_mask:rc_reaction_delay_factor=0:rc_averaging_period=100:closed_gop:autoaspect -passlogfile "$dvd-`zero-pad-2.x $i`.log"

/usr/bin/mencoder "dvd://$i" -nosub -dvd-device $1 -o "$dvd-`zero-pad-2.x $i`".avi -ffourcc XVID -vf pp=al:c,softskip,unsharp=l5x5:.25:c5x5:.25,harddup -aid 128 -channels 6 -oac lavc -lavcopts acodec=ac3:abitrate=192 -a52drc 1 -ovc xvid -xvidencopts pass=2:bitrate=1000:me_quality=6:vhq=4:threads=2:max_bframes=2:bvhq=1:nopacked:quant_type=h263:noqpel:nogmc:trellis:nointerlacing:chroma_me:chroma_opt:hq_ac:nolumi_mask:rc_reaction_delay_factor=0:rc_averaging_period=100:closed_gop:autoaspect -passlogfile "$dvd-`zero-pad-2.x $i`.log"

sleep 2

/usr/bin/mkvmerge  --title "$dvd-$title-ac3" --track-name 0:"$dvd-$title-ac3" --language 1:en --track-name 1:"AC3 5.1" "$dvd-`zero-pad-2.x $i`.avi"      -o "$dvd-`zero-pad-2.x $i`.mkv"
sleep 2
rm "$dvd-`zero-pad-2.x $i`.avi" "$dvd-`zero-pad-2.x $i`.log"
i=`expr $i + 1`
#################### END OF COMMANDS ####################

ok I copyed the scripts
the problem I have with them is what is the command lsdvd I don't have that command on slackware
edit found lsdvd installing it now
what do I feed them for $1

schneidz 10-22-2014 11:52 AM

install lsdvd (and any other dependencies). i dont use slackware but on fedora it would be yum install lsdvd.

the first parameter is the name of the dvd file.


 dvd=`lsdvd $dev | head -n 1 | awk '{print tolower($3)}' | sed s/_/-/g`
 lsdvd /dev/sr0 && ddrescue --no-split --verbose --block-size=2048 /dev/sr0 $dvd.iso

this update mite work better for you (on my pc it is /dev/sr0) but it is hard coded and wont work on iso backups no more.

this was just a quick-and-dirty script i made. sorry for bugs.

metaschima 10-22-2014 11:56 AM

I would use vobcopy to copy the VOBs off the DVD, then I would use ffmpeg to re-encode them.

Make sure to check the laws in your area for bypassing CSS encryption.

jefro 10-23-2014 04:40 PM

I think I ran a windows app that could rip to iso image under wine. Worked pretty well too. Slightly but not greatly slower than native rip in linux.

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