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Old 03-06-2007, 03:26 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2007
Posts: 18

Rep: Reputation: 1
Question HELP: Earthlink SMTP w/ KMail?

Upon doing a clean install of Kubuntu, I came across a dilemma that plagued me when I first started using KMail. For some reason, I can't seem to send email since I can't get my SMTP server configured properly. Unfortunately, I can't remember what I did to get it to work in the first place, but it did work before I reinstalled- of that I'm sure. Earthlink's help files are useless (they only show step-by-step instructions for Mac & Win clients), as is KMail's, in this situation. I spoke with Earthlink and since they do not offer support for Linux apps, they couldn't help me other than to give me the SMTP server settings for my account.

I've tried almost every imaginable combination of settings to try to get this thing to work, have scoured the 'net for forums and whatnot, but nothing seems to help. :/ I hate using webmail just to send messages, but that's what I've had to do.

Does anyone use KMail and Earthlink for their email? My current SMTP settings are as follows:

[ General Tab ]

Name: Earthlink
Port: 587 (I've also tried 25)
Precommand: (left blank)

(x) Server requires authentication
Password: mypassword

(x) Store SMTP password

[ Security Tab ]

Encryption: None
Authentication Method: PLAIN

- mertle
Old 03-15-2007, 03:23 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2007
Posts: 18

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 1
Okay... just replying the fix to my own message for those with Earthlink who may have had a similar problem. The settings are as follows:

[ General Tab ]

Name: Earthlink
Port: 587
Precommand: (left blank)

(x) Server requires authentication
Password: mypassword

(x) Store SMTP password

[ Security Tab ]

Encryption: TLS
Authentication Method: LOGIN

* As a side note, I'd also like to mention that when you receive POP3 mail from Earthlink, you can use APOP instead of plain text in the "Extras" tab when setting up a receiving account.
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Old 04-22-2014, 06:09 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2014
Posts: 2

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Smile 7 years later and still helpful information for Earthlink in KMail Version 4.11.5

KMail Version 4.11.5

Thank you for listing some useful information so that I could use it. I hope you get these thanks!

This is what I did to receive email. The default setup allowed me to send OK.

Settings => Configure KMail...=> click on earthlink account with previous setup attempt

Modify=> Advanced=> and selected Auto Detect

gave me port 110, no encryption, and Authentication = APOP

I later clicked to leave messages on server as Kmail said earthlink did not respond if it would accept this command.

I hopes this helps someone else.


kmail, mail, pop, smtp

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