Distro: Debian 3
Kernel: 2.4.18
I have surfing the web and I have found that I could use linear RAID; here you have the HOWTO comment:
Linear mode
Two or more disks are combined into one physical device. The disks are ``appended'' to each other, so writing linearly to the RAID device will fill up disk 0 first, then disk 1 and so on. The disks does not have to be of the same size. In fact, size doesn't matter at all here
There is no redundancy in this level. If one disk crashes you will most probably lose all your data. You can however be lucky to recover some data, since the filesystem will just be missing one large consecutive chunk of data.
The read and write performance will not increase for single reads/writes. But if several users use the device, you may be lucky that one user effectively is using the first disk, and the other user is accessing files which happen to reside on the second disk. If that happens, you will see a performance gain.
Thanks for replying