well you either need a static IP or to use a DynamicDNS service to have a URL always pointing at the server. There is alot of manuals around about how to configure virtual hosts and I find they are usually extremely confusing. Below is a virtual host I have configured on my server
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/vmhost/
ServerName r3sistance.net
ServerAlias www.r3sistance.net
from /etc/httpd/httpd.conf
DocumentRoot is the actual folder that is used as the Vhosts home. Server name is the URL that points at the virtualhost and server alais is alternative URLs that can also point at the same virtual host. This virtual host is configured within apache. If you get a static IP you can change *:80 to ip:80 for example this server uses so it could be instead. I just leave it as *:80 to be simple, also if you currently have a web server on :80 you could use say an alternative port like say *:8080 to use port 8080 for this virtual host you are trying to set up. My VirtualHost is simpliest in the way it doesn't have seperate logs for the virtual host but as this is a VPS that implicitly only hosts this site, if you want to look up on logs then I'll have to guide you to a manual as I don't really deal with seperate logs for my virtualhosts on this VPS.