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Old 04-15-2004, 09:43 AM   #1
LQ Guru
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grpconv nearly crashed my system... looking for explanation

ok, yesterday I had a very pretty bug with grpconv... I was updating my Gentoo system, then some packages give an a warning about "error during grpconv execution, please run it by hand".
So I did...
3 min later I was having cool error in logs like "system out of memory, killing process XXX". HORROR, my kernel was killing system process to save up some memory. So I killed that damn thing before my system crash...

Now... for what I read about grpconv, it is just a small apps to generate some shadowed file about group, isn't it? Anyone got clue about why grpconv gone that bad? Gentoo has generated 2 group with the same name (and I don't want to delete one since both are used by some file), can this caused an infinite loop?
And what does grpconv anyways??? Man and google got me no clear answer about it, it just seems to generate some hashed/shadowed group binary file for the system to use... or am I wrong?
Old 04-15-2004, 09:54 AM   #2
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Last edited by 320mb; 04-15-2004 at 09:57 AM.
Old 04-15-2004, 05:23 PM   #3
LQ Guru
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posting link to man page won't really tell me something... I already read the man page as I said, I just have trouble to figure what the damn thing really do, like "what the hell the system do with the group-shadowed file since it should read group directly from /etc/group" (doesn't it?).
Anyways, the real question is how and why this apps nearly crashed my system?


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