grecord.. SuSe 7.3.. I cant record sound..
I am haveing a problem getting my SuSE 7.3 to record anything..
I have a SBLive set up and working, I think.. I hear sound.. and when I talk on the mic.. I hear it over the speakers...
I am trying to use grecord.. ( if you know of something better.. please let me know)
In the settings in grecord, it says sox is in /usr/bin/sox | I checked and it is their.. it also referces gmix... to /opt/gnome/bin/gmix.. i check and this is also their...
These are the only two settings i see for grecorde
it dose create the file.. but when I play it back it dose not have any sound...
I have moved the file to another box.. to conferm it is silent.. and it is..
when I record for.. 15sec.. when I play it back, regarles of OS.. it plays back for 15sec.. but I have no sound.
in Gmix
the mic is not muted.. i can hear what i am saying...
and the Rec box is checked.. ( the only one checked )
Any ideas ??