Before you ask, I'm not asking "is slackware better than fedora" or anything, I just wanted to ask opinions on a distro which does what I want.
I'm currently using SuSE 9.1 Personal, and besides the odd problem (no gcc, make, or KDevelop or ANY compiling software comes with it) I love it. I love YaST for it's simplicity in setting up all aspects of my hardware and software, I love YaST for it's ease of use during the install procedure, but there is one thing which annoys me most about SuSE - no automatic dependency resolution as used by APT. Also, SuSE has really impressed me with it's hardware detection.
Are there any mainstream distro's which have a simple installation procedure, and include automatic dependency resolution?
Is there any distro people would recommend which meets halfway between Debian and SuSE?
Sorry if this has all been asked before, but I couldn't find anything by searching the LQ forums.
edit: sorry, I should have posted this in the distributions forum