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techrolla 11-27-2003 09:02 PM

General Server questions...Not on configurations
I am interested in setting up a server on my home computer, but the only thing Im worried about is if I will experiece severe personal internet performance problems. I have a 1.5 mbps ADSL connection and just want to serve my site to a small audience. I am also wondering if I get a domain name, do I have to get hosting? Or can I just link my server to serve the pages when someone goes to that domain? The reason Im not going to do a hosting service is that 1. They cost too much for my need 2. I haven't found one that will serve jsp/servlets with tomcat or otherwise. I actually don't think I would use any hosting even if it did have that support, I want to have the experience of setting up my personal server. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Oh yea, this is going to be a server run on Fedora core 1 with apace 2 something and tomcat. Thanks.

stuNNed 11-28-2003 12:52 AM

set up a dyndns account and you should be good to go. unless you are offering up large files that ppl will be downloading all the time, you should see really miniscule, if any, hit to your regular internet traffic.

techrolla 11-28-2003 02:04 AM

by dyndns Im guessing thats dynamic DNS... Well I don't really know what that is, but your saying if I purchase a domain name, I can configure my apache to point to the domain name? Or is there something else involved between that? Thanks

techrolla 11-28-2003 02:08 AM

Ok, I don't know if this is what you meant, but I did a search for dyndns and ther are free services for static ip hosting. Im going to check this out and see what it offers. Thanks.

stuNNed 11-28-2003 03:03 AM

can be had for free (the dyndns service) no need to pay for it :-)


only catch to use the free service is you have to use some of their domain names with your custom name at the beginning.

if you don't mind this, the free service works great :-)

techrolla 11-28-2003 10:39 AM

Yea, Ive signed up for one and hopefully I can get it to work. I just have one question, how do I configure apache, I mean not "Configure" but which ip or domain do I link it to? I know how to edit httpd and I know where the domain thing is, but what should I set it to? It comes with http://localhost and I need to get something to link to it online. Thanks

Whitehat 11-28-2003 11:25 AM

You should be fine. With a small audience you will not fill up your ADSL pipe. Also I use ddclient from . It's great. I used it on a Redhat box so I could point a domain name to my server at home ;)

I was also using Apache and Tomcat. I prefer Redhat 7.3 if you must use Redhat. I also only use command line for my servers ( I would suggest this too as it forces you to learn it ).

ddclient is the 13th one down on this page:

trickykid 11-28-2003 12:12 PM

If you have a static IP that never changes, you could also use to point your domain name to your IP so you don't have to setup your own DNS, etc.

Just another option to check out.

techrolla 11-29-2003 08:20 PM

thanks a lot, yea I have a dynamic ip but this is really cool that they have these things for free. haha, maybe someday Ill shell out the 8$ for a domain.

techrolla 11-29-2003 08:58 PM

Im sorry to go off my original topic, but how do I get this dyndns thing to work? I have apache running for localhost, but when I look at the ip being linked to with http://localhost in the status bar it is different than what the ip is set for the dyndns host, but when I go to see if that is really the case, detects my ip as different than what is being linked to with localhost. I installed that ddclient thing also, from rpm but I am currently at a loss as to how to get this whole system thing to work. Any extra help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

techrolla 11-29-2003 11:04 PM

its odd because when I type in the URL, it doesn't say that the server cannot be found like other URL's. If i add a letter in there somewhere, to my part of the domain, it throws that error, its as if it wants to do something but it can't. However, this doesnt work on another computer, which throws an error.

techrolla 11-30-2003 11:56 AM

Ive gone off track here, Im going to make a new thread in the main section, thanks for all your help. If you still want to reply here Ill check it.

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