My advice would be this:
Try to forget what you have learned in Windows. Linux is
not Windows and as such you shouldn't expect it to be Windows. It is its own beast and things are accomplished differently.
Many concepts may be alien to you (like mounting filesystems), but persevere as once you've got it cracked, things make more sense. Don't always take the easy option - like
supermount - as you may come unstuck later on if you haven't got to grips with the concepts.
Read. Read. Read some more.
Do not have your
important files somewhere where they can be lost should things go horribly wrong. The best way to learn a system is to break it and then fix it again. If you find you can't fix it, you can always re-install (now that's a Windows concept for you
Read. Read. Read some more. Sorry, did I already say that
Do not be affraid to ask stupid questions. As the wise ol' Mr Garrison once said "There are no stupid questions"... I forget how the rest of the quote goes!
Do not start flame wars, and if possible, try to avoid becoming involved in them. Respect can be lost easier than it can be gained (just take a look at the horribly long "Why use Linux over Windows" thread in General).
When you find out how to do something, answer a question on it. Linux thrives on the community. As you learn you can teach.