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Old 06-26-2004, 11:04 AM   #1
Senior Member
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Question find -exec question

Hi, guys!

Let's see if there's smebody who can help me on this:

I have a number of mp3 files I want to re-rip because the volume is too low. In order to do that I have everything: One player, one normalizer and one encoder.

i could simply do:

mpg123 -s a.mp3 | normalize min=98 | lame -x -v -V 2 -b 32 -B 320 - temp.mp3
mv -f temp.mp3 a.mp3
That works just PERFECT

However I don't want to have to type it over and over again (once for each of the 50 files I want to re-rip)

I decided to use find -exec to get it done.... however when I try to do it (have tried in a number of different ways already), It doesn't seem to "understand" the "pipes" nor the separation between de ripping and the moving commands (two command instead of one)

Can anybody tell me how I could get it done with find?

Old 06-26-2004, 11:57 AM   #2
Senior Member
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Put the command sequence in a shell script, and have find execute the shell script. For instance, put this in a file named re_rip.bash:

# Only do something if we are given an argument on the command line
if [ ! "${1}x" = "x" ] ; then

  mpg123 -s ${1} | normalize min=98 | lame -x -v -V 2 -b 32 -B 320 - temp.mp3

  mv temp.mp3 ${1}
Save the file, make it executable (chmod u+x re_rip.bash), and then run the find command:

find dir options -exec /path/to/re_rip.bash {} \;

Whenever automating moving/deleting files, always always always copy a subset of the data to a test location and give the script a trial run. If it works on your test, then cut it loose on your regular stuff.


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