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Old 01-02-2003, 04:20 AM   #1
Registered: Jan 2003
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Angry File size limit exceeded...


some days ago I've grabbed the redhat 8 isos and installed Linux (which I should've done sooner... Linux is so nice *g*) and now I've got the first real prob and I've NO idea how to fix this.

Let's say I've got a tar, or a tar.gz file which is ~2-3GB in size.
I would like to transfer this archive onto my mounted FAT32 partition,
but everytime I try to mv it i get:

File size limit exceeded

I tried ulimit -a => everything in order, everywhere unlimited,
upped it to 1Gb with ulimit -f 100000 (I've read that somewhere in this board, hope that's right)
but the problem's still there

I really hope that there's a way to solve this :-/
Old 01-02-2003, 04:35 AM   #2
LQ Guru
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fat32 filesystems AFAIK have a filesize limit of 2GB. I do believe a "fix" was issued regarding this, but am not sure if this patch would work when tappin the filesystem from linux.

Old 01-02-2003, 04:49 AM   #3
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fat32 systems have a file size limit?
I've worked ever since with them and I've never known / experienced something like that?!?

Hope this isn't true, 'cause I need to push all the saved stuff from linux to my old win2k
partitions ... I want to format all the linux partitions and do a clean install, but not until the stuff is gone :-/
Old 01-02-2003, 05:00 AM   #4
LQ Guru
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I just did a search on this to see what I can find. It's debated everywhere I went. Some people say it's a 4GB filesize limit, other's say 2, but patches are available. Some say it's the kernel that is limiting this on fat filesystems.

So now I am pretty confused. There was a work around though. You can split the files up into chunks, then later connect them back in win or in linux.

You can split the file into small pieces, transfer them, and
concatenate them under MS-Windows:

$ split -b1000m bigfile
$ cp x* /windows_fs

In Linux, files can be concatenated by "cat x* > file". In MS-DOS, the
syntax is something like "copy /b +f1 +f2 file"

Old 01-02-2003, 05:06 AM   #5
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Hm.... gonna test that..
Hope it doesn't hurt the archieve...

If anyone has another idea I'm glad to hear it.

Damn... there's no way to split the file and transfer it
right away to another partition... my linux partition is FULL (yeah and I mean FULL)
and I've got no room for another ~3GB of data, 'cause the big archieve itself is such a burden...

There HAS to be a way to get this stuff to another partition!
Maybe there's a way you can configure Win2k to recognice Linux partitions? If that would work I could transfer the stuff in Windows, 'cause I never had ANY file size probs in windows.

Last edited by Faeroon; 01-02-2003 at 05:11 AM.
Old 01-02-2003, 05:22 AM   #6
LQ Guru
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Do you have a decent connection? I'd be happy to allow an upload of the file to my box at home, then when you are ready you could download it off of me. I have a decent download speed (the upload to you) so it would go farely well. Probably ~5 hours It's a 768/128 kb DSL line. So that's ~90KB on the down (your upload) and ~13-15KB on the up (your download).

Lets see... If you've got that much empty space on your fat32 partition you could resize it and format it with a filesystem that linux is cool writing more than 2GB to, like ext3.

If that's something you'd be interested in, check out ranish partition manager to resize it. Then to format see man mke2fs OR simply man mkfs

Other people might have options for you as well. There might be a way to get linux to work with the fat32 as is, and get the large file over. I'd give it a few to see if someone else has something to add.

Old 01-02-2003, 06:04 AM   #7
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I've only got the same DSL as you
~3Gb with 16kb/s is... urgh... not nice
But thx anyway - this is atleast a last option...


To the new linux partition thingy:
I need the stuff so show up in win2k, 'cause I've not yet found out how to burn cds etc in Linux...

Just read that there's no way that Windows recognizes ext2/ext3 partitions...damn....

Last edited by Faeroon; 01-02-2003 at 06:25 AM.
Old 01-02-2003, 06:51 AM   #8
LQ Guru
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It's read-only

There is 1 more program out there, but cannot remember the name right now.

Old 01-02-2003, 08:53 AM   #9
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*pushes the thread back up*
Any other ideas?
I'm freeing the other partitions to get more space but soon
I'll run out of CD-R's and it's about time to think about how to get all the stuff right.

If I make a new partition with ext3 I still wont be able to
push the ~3gb file over to it, right? Because of the ext2 on which it's stationated...

Sorry for all the questions but I'm kinda stuck here

PS: What about resizing my linux partition? f.ex. taking space from the fat32, format it to ext2 and put it into the linux one? Would that work?
Old 01-02-2003, 09:41 AM   #10
LQ Guru
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If you make a new partition with an ext3 filesystem on (which is ext2 just journaled fyi) you shouldn't have problems with a file size 2GB+. I believe the limitation for ext3 is somewhere in the terabyte range? I am going home soon, but when I get there I will hunt around and see if I can find an article I read about filesystem limitations; but I seem to recall ext2/3 was really a very large file size limitation.

As for your last thing:
PS: What about resizing my linux partition? f.ex. taking space from the fat32, format it to ext2 and put it into the linux one? Would that work?

Isn't that what you didn't want to do since you cannot read it on your win2k system?

I might be wrong and confusing this thread with another one, so forgive if that is so. Gotta run, but I will keep you posted on anything I find.

Old 01-02-2003, 10:23 AM   #11
Registered: Jan 2003
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>>Isn't that what you didn't want to do since you cannot read it on your win2k system?

>>I might be wrong and confusing this thread with another one, so forgive if that is so. Gotta run, but I will keep you posted on anything I find.

Yep... but if I can't get this thing to fat32 I have to find a way to extract it and burn it in Linux.

I've gone through all my stuff and now I've got a whole 60gb IBM hdd waiting to be formated into ext3.

Ah before I forget:
*quotes himself*

>>If I make a new partition with ext3 I still wont be able to
push the ~3gb file over to it, right? Because of the ext2 on which it's stationated...

What about this? If i want to move the file from ext2 to ext3 - will this work or would there be still the file size limit ?
Old 01-02-2003, 11:47 AM   #12
LQ Guru
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ext2 and ext3 are the same filesystem, one just includes journaling (ext3), so you should have NO problem at all moving from one to the other.


<after thought>
Why would you be going from ext2 to ext3? You should, if possible, always use journal. It's just a better idea. There really is no reason to not use it, since there is no difference other than the journal between ext2 and 3.
</after thought>

Last edited by MasterC; 01-02-2003 at 11:48 AM.
Old 01-02-2003, 11:51 AM   #13
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Hehe, as I said - I've a n00b @ Linux and I didn't knew what
ext2 or ext3 was, that's why I've picked ext2 *shrugs*

I saw that it is possible to update ext2 to ext3 but now I'm searching for a way to build partitions in linux itself (while linux is running and not just at the installation process)

*searchs through the board*
Old 01-02-2003, 12:01 PM   #14
LQ Guru
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fdisk or cfdisk

This will create partitions, then to format them:
mke2fs -j /dev/hdXX

Where XX is the letter/number of the partition.

Old 01-02-2003, 12:02 PM   #15
LQ Guru
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That's Aussie's site, it gives a great example of doing drive operations like this.



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