It seems that tar has written directly to the tape. So, it's not a file on a filesystem on the tape. The tape contains the binary data (no filesystem).
So, there is no datestamp on the file (because it was dumped directly to tape). You could untar the tape to a temporary folder and check its contents for a recent date.
For the future, I suggest adding a blank file to the tape, named with the current date...
Something like this:
#write a blank file named by today's date in the directory you wish to backup
$CURRENTDATE=`date` #note the backquotes
touch "$CURRENTDATE" #note the normal quotes.
#it produces a file called like: Tue Aug 31 12:30:37 EEST 2004
#backup your files with the same command
#remove the date file
#you're done
Now, when you do a tar -tf /dev/whaterveryourtapeis it will list the files, and the file named from your date! Cool, huh?