Familiar 0.8 linux sync with kde-pim - ppp serial
Hello everyone,
I just finished installing Familiar 0.8 linux on my h3650 Compaq Ipaq. Pretty cool stuff and nicer than 0.72.
What i want to do is set it up so that i can Sync my Ipaq to KDE-PIM
I want to be able to do it through USB or PPP.
I've been a linux user for about 4 years now... somewhat experienced, however... I am having the hardest time to setting this up...
The Wiki hasn't helped me that much... The ppphowto and usbhowto has not worked for me... and no one form handhelds.org has emailed me back...
I was wondering if anyone could help me setup my networking through ppp with may ipaq.
Thanks alot
Zubin Parihar