dual boot - XP and Linux - Need to reinstall XP without effecting linux -LILO boot
Hi All,
I am having a dual boot configuration with XP on main partition and linux(RH9)
on secondary partiton.
Due to some reason after about 3 months XP crashed.
I would like to reinstall XP alone without effecting linux partiton.
The problem I expect is with LILO. Will an XP reinstallation
in C drive overwrite LILO, thereby making linux OS
If yes, is there any way to reinstall LILO, so as to bring
back the old dual boot configuration with new XP and
old linux up!!!!!????
Or is it that once I reinstall XP, my linux is lost foroever
and hence i need to resintall linux too?????
I am not much experienced with installtion issues..
Please help.