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Old 09-30-2002, 07:15 PM   #1
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downloads, mirrors and stuff

Evening all,

After having to mess around for nearly 2 days, I have finally managed to download all 3 of the ISO's for mandrake 9.0

I have burned the disc's, and printed off the check numbers (md5sums). how do I actually check the numbers against the disc's?


For various reasons - isp of dubious merit, dropped connections etc I have ended up using 3 different mirrors for the download, I have noticed that even allowing for the time of day etc the download speeds vary dramatically, the last disc was done through one of the german mirror's (the download of disc 2 finished about an hour ago), and was showing a speed of 56 kbps (reasonably good, I presume) So,

how do I establish which is going to be the most efficient (fastest) mirror at any given time of the day bearing in mind the colossal size of the download?


Old 09-30-2002, 07:48 PM   #2
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It depends on capability of the mirroring site/ftp server and how close it is to you. As for md5sums, if you downloaded Mandy in linux just run
md5sum /where/the/downloaded/iso/is.iso
it will return the sequence it must match the sequence stated in md5sum file, run the same command for all the discs you downloaded. If you are in Windows, then there is an utility for windows available from
and read up
Old 10-01-2002, 09:57 AM   #3
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And get that baby installed! I got it all in less than 12 hours on my relatively slow DSL connection (768 kilobits down)! I just got lucky for 2 reasons:
1. I found a server that wasn't full!
2. The open server must have been a T3 on crack

I am looking for an alternative for my wife, as she couldn't stand SuSE, doesn't have any idea what to do in Slack, and winbloze crashed, yet again. Mandy is having a VERY good outlook

It's got some nice features, but I don't like using it much, being used to hand editing and all. I couldn't even find Pine, which contains Pico, my favorite text editor for console editing. Not a biggie since there is an awesome KDE front end for it, but still I like my own control over files. I couldn't really choose which order the entries were in, and editing took a long time, because it's got a big old fat GUI on top of it. Really great for n00bs though, assuming a pince of prior knowledge of course.

It's very nice though John, so get the sucka installed, and start playing! Oh and the install, even in expert mode went extremely smooth. Lot's of good autoprobing and such. I think your USB modem shouldn't be too bad this time around.

Old 10-01-2002, 10:19 AM   #4
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MasterC, maybe your wife will like Lycoris. It has something that appeals a lot to women, my wife actually considered dropping windows for Lycoris. I also found, that a lot of people that use macs like or are interested with Lycoris... hum! figure that one out. Anyways hope you find something for your wife.
Old 10-01-2002, 04:33 PM   #5
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Thanks for the support! I really think Mandy 9 is the breaker. I haven't seen winbloze getting used at all since the install

Old 10-02-2002, 09:19 AM   #6
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mandy 9.0

Well, I got it installed yesterday Chad, but as expected, snags-r-us.

The sound isnt working, the dsl modem needs the microcode, and even though I did the upgrade install, then had to do a full install, it's still not quite there.

But I'm just about to go off to the mandrakeusersboard to see if anyone has been able to answer my questions - when I looked here yesterday, I couldn't find much of a mention for the 9.0, hence I went and found them.

I'll let you know how I get on.



p.s. I gave it a go at signing up for one of the IM services, but just binned it all, as it wasn't intuitive enough for me - maybe that makes me either complacent, lazy or arrogant - cant decide which!!!
Old 10-02-2002, 10:34 AM   #7
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mandy 9.0

Oakey Doakey Chad,

I just re-installed and did the microcode thing, someone had left a nice howto at the "mub" and here I am posting from mozilla under the mandy 9.0.

I did the re-install, because a few things that I didn't like that I had selected when I installed previously, but there is quite a good article about comparision of 9.0 and 8.2 on the register (originated by newsforge). Since reading this, I have done the same install as the article link i.e. the stuff on the left of the options and none of the stuff on right. Lets face it, at my level of linux knowledge, WTF do I need with server capabilities.

I'm just excited (not quite jizzing in the trousers excited but) because I have managed to do something (nearly) by myself. And have got that "well bugger me sideways with the rough end of a pineapple" optimism, this linux thing is really starting to click.

Well, I suppose that after all the stupid questions that I have to pose, and that you and all the other "stars" have helped me with, there does seem to be light at the end of the micro$oft induced tunnel.

Right, I'll leave it there for the mo, cos I'm back off to the "mub" to see if anyone has answered my sound question, because not only have I got no sound as yet, but I am also getting a dialogue about sound server overload and something about "arts" (that is the sound server isn't it?)

So TTFN and i'll report back with any further success/crisis later.



p.s. mandrake must have sorted the connection snag from 8.2 because I even get the network monitor and disconnect option.

p.p.s. to those other readers, sorry if you find any "expletives" offensive, but I couldn't think of anything else to show my amazement and I have only just finished an 11 hour shift in my truck (it can take a little while to get out of "scummy trucker mode 1a")

Last edited by bigjohn; 10-02-2002 at 10:38 AM.
Old 10-02-2002, 11:18 AM   #8
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more of the same

I have just tried the edit of the modules.conf that you suggested in my 8.2 stumped by sound thread Chad, and I get nothing.

I can still play an audio cd direct from the cdrw using the button on the front (as I could under 8.2) but I can't do that using my dvd/cdrom device.

I am also getting the sound server fatal error - cpu overload, aborting message. Which I just "OK".

so off I go in the hunt for help/assistance/idea's. any that you might have would be helpful matey.

Clare is going out for a meal (apparently italian) tonight after she has been to her diet club so it's round to the "Indian" for a curry - yum yum - I wonder if my problem is related to me slavering all over my keyboard????? (I should point out that curry is a rare treat - clare doesn't do spices, she can just about manage chinese food)




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