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Old 01-22-2003, 02:59 AM   #1
Registered: Oct 2002
Posts: 41

Rep: Reputation: 15
Question Dialup dropout......

As of late i have been experiencing a large number of droputs from my dialup connection, i contacted my ISP and asked whether they had others experiencing the same prob, it seems everything appears OK at their end and the dialup pool log merely states a disconnection (very vague entry apparently).

so...i was then using KPPP to dialup with a Roadster 2 USB modem, prior to the dropouts occuring i could stay connected to the net for up to 15-20 days, now i am lucky to stay connected for half a day!

During the time when the dropouts occured i did a reinstall but i am pretty sure that had nothing to do with the drop outs.

when it drops out there is no error in the messages log, KPPP just thinks it is still connect and all is good but it is definitely disconnected cause the lights on the modem are showing disconnection. Occasionally i get 'KPPP died unexpectedly" but again i cant find any info gleaning to the reasion for the disconnection.

I have now changed to wvdial and am running it from a terminal outside of X hence i am now sure it is not KDE.

So i am wondering is anyone out there a guru on dialup and trouble shooting them?

Also there is the possibilty it is the telco and the phone line but i not sure how i can check this.

any ideas

(ppp 2.4.1-3, wvdial 1.41)

Old 01-23-2003, 05:23 PM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Jan 2003
Location: Turkey&USA
Distribution: Emacs and linux is its device driver(Slackware,redhat)
Posts: 1,398

Rep: Reputation: 45
i was living in turkey and in turkey some isp cuts your connection after a period of in activity may be this your problem now i use dsl so i am not sure isp in us


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