This may be far too late to be of good use, but perhaps the search spiders will pick it up and somebody else can gain from it.
Current versions of dd will type out their current record counts and such if the process receives an INFO signal (SIG number 29)
You can manipulate the KILL command to send any SIG command you wish. Here are the steps to bring up the current status of any dd operation:
First, get the PID for dd:
The process ID is the first column returned. (The full command is at the far right column, so you can tell which dd you want to send INFO to.)
Once you have that, go ahead and send the signal:
(Note: 1070 is the number you'll change to what came out from the first step.)
Viola! Check back on the terminal that's running dd and you should see the current record counts along with how much data it's transferred (in bytes) and how long it's been going.
Hope that helps!