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Old 01-31-2008, 09:58 PM   #1
Registered: Aug 2004
Distribution: Ubuntu 16.04 lts desk; Ubuntu 14.04 server
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Rep: Reputation: 31
Question date stamp file or directory name


How can this be done?

I want to set up a script to copy files and directory structures and have the new files or at least the directories named with a date and time stamp in the file/directory name itself.

I have a crontab file which does something similar by creating an hourly10.tgz file and an hourly11.tgz file, etc., but I do not know how to do this with whole directories, so that it automatically adds time and date.

The script file for creating those files says:
set $(date)
  filename="/backups2/hourly`date +'%H'`.tgz"
But I do not know how to read what it is doing, nor even what to search for to find the right syntax.

I think what I need it to do is to use the cp command with something like what is in that script. I see that doing "date --help" produces a list of these things--am I in the correct area?

Can anybody point me in the right direction?

Many thanks!
Old 01-31-2008, 11:09 PM   #2
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To copy a whole directory you would probably want to use '/usr/bin/cp -a'.

Try 'man cp'
Old 01-31-2008, 11:19 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by dgermann View Post

The script file for creating those files says:
set $(date)
  filename="/backups2/hourly`date +'%H'`.tgz"
This is just MY PREFERENCE (not saying that you are wrong) but I wouldn't use back tics for the command...I would do something like this...

filename="/backups2/hourly$(date +'%H').tgz"
...Unless it's in sh then you would have to use back tics...

Last edited by custangro; 01-31-2008 at 11:20 PM.
Old 02-01-2008, 10:22 AM   #4
Registered: Aug 2004
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dive & custangro--

Thanks for your quick responses.

I really don't understand ticks and quotes and all that, so I am not sure.... (Somebody else set up the script files for me years ago.) Why is that better?

I like the idea about cp -a: that is not something I have used before.

What I do want to do is provide a different name for the resulting copies, so that they have the same name as the original plus the time and date stamp. So I do not see anything in man cp that helps me with that. Or perhaps I just don't know where to look.


:- Doug.
Old 02-01-2008, 10:44 AM   #5
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for d in *
DIR="$d"`date +%Y%m%d`
cp -a "$d" $DIR
For example.
Old 02-02-2008, 11:54 AM   #6
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Smile here is how i do this

this makes a bkp with timestamp of an entire dierctory tree of a NetBeans project. (and optionaly the database)
if [ -z $2 ]; then
    tar -cjf "$1-`date +%a-%d-%m-%y_[%H-%M]`.tar.bz2" "$1"
    bkpData="$2-`date +%a-%d-%m-%y_[%H-%M]`.sql"
    mysqldump -u root -p30359651 $2 > $bkpData
    tar -cjf "$1-`date +%a-%d-%m-%y_[%H-%M]`.tar.bz2" "$1" $bkpData
    rm $bkpData
resulting in somthing like:
the next script I made for transpassing the entire directory structure of a NEtBEans project WITHOUT the configurations files that wouldn't let me load the project on a diferent machine.

# La idea es importar los *.java a otro arbol igual y ver si el netbeans puede utilizarlo

# $1 debe ser el arbol importado.
# $2 el destino. si esta vacio (lo crea sina archivos de configuracion) si no deberia tener una estructura de directorios igual.

find "$1" -type d > Temp_Project_Dirs
grep -v /nbproject Temp_Project_Dirs | grep -v /dist | grep -v /build > Project_Dirs
Num_dirs=`wc -l Project_Dirs | cut -d" " -f1`
for i in `seq 1 $Num_dirs` ; do
    head -n $i Project_Dirs | tail -1 > Project_Dirs_linea
    linea=`cat Project_Dirs_linea`
        find "$linea" -type f -iname "*.java" -maxdepth 1 > Project_Dirs_content
        find "$linea" -type f -iname "*.form" -maxdepth 1 > Project_Dirs_forms
        find "$linea" -type f -iname "*.gif" -maxdepth 1 > Project_Dirs_images
        find "$linea" -type f -iname "*.jpg" -maxdepth 1 > Project_Dirs_images
        find "$linea" -type f -iname "*.jar" -maxdepth 1 > Project_Dirs_libs
        mkdir -p "import/$linea"

        Num_files=`wc -l Project_Dirs_content | cut -d" " -f1`
        for j in `seq 1 $Num_files` ; do
            file=`head -n $j Project_Dirs_content | tail -1`
            cp "$file" "import/$linea/"

        Num_forms=`wc -l Project_Dirs_forms | cut -d" " -f1`
        for j in `seq 1 $Num_forms` ; do
            file=`head -n $j Project_Dirs_forms | tail -1`
            cp "$file" "import/$linea/"

        Num_images=`wc -l Project_Dirs_images | cut -d" " -f1`
        for j in `seq 1 $Num_images` ; do
            file=`head -n $j Project_Dirs_images | tail -1`
            cp "$file" "import/$linea/"

        Num_libs=`wc -l Project_Dirs_libs | cut -d" " -f1`
        for j in `seq 1 $Num_libs` ; do
            file=`head -n $j Project_Dirs_libs | tail -1`
            cp "$file" "import/$linea/"

rm Project_Dirs_forms Temp_Project_Dirs Project_Dirs_linea Project_Dirs Project_Dirs_content Project_Dirs_images
the important parts for you may be:
find "$1" -type d > Temp_Project_Dirs
grep -v /nbproject Temp_Project_Dirs | grep -v /dist | grep -v /build > Project_Dirs # IF YOU WANT TO EXCLUDE SOME DIRS TOO
Num_dirs=`wc -l Project_Dirs | cut -d" " -f1`
for i in `seq 1 $Num_dirs` ; do
    head -n $i Project_Dirs | tail -1 > Project_Dirs_linea
    linea=`cat Project_Dirs_linea`
    find "$linea" -type f -iname "*.java" -maxdepth 1 > Project_Dirs_content #ONLY WHAT YOU WANT -> "*.JAVA" for me
    Num_files=`wc -l Project_Dirs_content | cut -d" " -f1`
        for j in `seq 1 $Num_files` ; do
            file=`head -n $j Project_Dirs_content | tail -1`
            cp "$file" "import/$linea/"
rm Temp_Project_Dirs Project_Dirs_linea Project_Dirs Project_Dirs_content
the duplicated tree will reside in ./import/<duplicated tree>
you should mix them to add the timestam thing..
also you could relace:
find "$linea" -type f -iname "*.java" -maxdepth 1 > Project_Dirs_content #ONLY WHAT YOU WANT -> "*.JAVA" for me
Num_files=`wc -l Project_Dirs_content | cut -d" " -f1`
for j in `seq 1 $Num_files` ; do
file=`head -n $j Project_Dirs_content | tail -1`
cp "$file" "import/$linea/"
find "$linea" -type f -iname "*.java" -maxdepth 1 -exec cp {} "import/$linea/" \; #ONLY WHAT YOU WANT -> "*.JAVA" for me

Last edited by juanctes; 02-02-2008 at 12:00 PM. Reason: to add an alternative to some code
Old 02-02-2008, 05:53 PM   #7
Registered: Aug 2004
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Posts: 366

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dive and juanctes--

Many thanks!

I am working on it and testing it out. Back to you shortly.

Thanks to each of you!


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