There's different ways depending on what you configured your kernel with. If you have got ramdisk:
"dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ram bs=1k count=2048" would create a 2MB ramdisk. Now make an FS on it: "mke2fs -vm0 /dev/ram 2048". Cp anything in you want. OTOH if you've got tmpfs, you just need a line in rc.local or fstab like: "tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs size=64m,mode=0700" (from rc.local, fstab doesn't work for me). If you don't set size it'll grow automagically. Pretty neat.
Bootfloppies/CDRs often use ramdisks, so it's not hard to put it in your init scripts, same goes for tmpfs.
I don't use (opinion edited out) M0zillah so I wouldn't know how BIG it actually is, I prefer Opera/Dillo/Links, I don't know if it would be beneficial, especially since network speed usually is more of a bottleneck here. For Xmms I don't think using ramdisk/tmpfs is beneficial cuz it needs to read (part of the mp3's it's playing into RAM, meaning it's not the app that's the usual bottleneck, but disk I/O. But that's just my ideas, try it out, and if it IS lightningfast, post your results!