Hi All --
These are probably very newbish questions, but I'm sure you'll all take pity on me and help me out
Question #1 - How do i get rid of that awful RedHat8 Gnome theme. I want to switch it to the 'default' Gnome2 theme. I'm able to switch different window borders and GTK themes but that start menu just has to go. I have the feeling that I need to do a fresh install of Gnome2, am i right? Also, did they lose the menu config tool in the new release?
Question #2 - RH auto detected my sound card and got it correct (unlike Win2K) but it says that the sound module is disabled. Do I have to recompile the kernel to enable it or is there an easy way that I'm missing. I did check that the sound server is enabled at start up.
A point in the right direction with either of these issues would be helpful and appreciated.
~ g0dzuki