Copy issue from ntfs Partition under knoppix
Recently, I've taken to using knoppix to recover files from dead windows systems. When the original file system is fat32, i've had no issues. I was under the understanding that knoppix can use and read from ntfs partitions just fine. So i set about getting knoppix to move all the files on the storage disk of my latest job, and copy reported that it had moved all the files just fine. I then take the disk back to my system, to verify the integrity of the files, and konquerer cannot see the files. nor can i see them in a command line. the entire directory structure was present, but the files were not. convinced that the problem was simple voodoo, i boot over to windows, and it cannot see the files either. angry with the system, I leave to get lunch and clear my head. Upon return, my brother was playing music from his collection. Which was on my Rescue disk, as His was the dead system. Winamp can see and read, even play without issue the entire directory tree, some 5,800 mp3 files, in over 600 folders, but niether the windows or kde file browsers and command lines can. any suggestions would be great.