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dmalone 06-24-2010 05:13 AM

configuring webmin permission denied problems
Hi there,
I am new to Linux. Iam running fedora 12 and trying to configure webmin but i keep getting permission denied errors for example: /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf: permission denied

Also, I can get into the root of the site I need to access. The password works, but when I go to the site, it does not...any ideas?

camorri 06-24-2010 09:25 AM

What user are you logging in as in Webmin? Have you given that user access to the modules from Edit Webmin Users --> Available Webmin Modules ?

You can, by default log in as root. I wouldn't expect a problem then unless you are logging in from another host, and have set up access restrictions.

dmalone 07-14-2010 10:07 AM

Ok. I have had to replace my hard drive then went onvacation . Now I have to solve this problem.

Let me give a few more details. On my windows machine, I can connect , but on the Linux machine I cannot. If I make changes to for instance the allowed hosta in the Postgresql server, the changes don;t actually take affect. I believe I have to make the changes within the linux environment....understandably. However, I cannot connect to the server at all. I tried http://localhost:1000 and get a can't make connection error. Then I tried and got a connection has been timed out error. What am I doing wrong? There must be a setting thqat is wrong or a package I haven't installed...something.

Please help!

camorri 07-14-2010 10:31 AM

It is port 10000 not 1000. Try https://localhost:10000 Usually it is a secured connection. You can also try
http://localhost:10000 if it is not secured.

The command ifconfig should show the local interface as active. Example,


lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
RX packets:20931 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:20931 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:1169462 (1.1 MiB) TX bytes:1169462 (1.1 MiB)
Make sure it is up.

dmalone 07-15-2010 11:32 AM

Thanks. IT WORKED! How did I miss one 0. Crazy. So now I made changes to the PostgreSQL database adding an allowed host. The IP address is correct, but I can't connect the SQL Manager for PostgreSql to the database. It is as though the IP address is not actually added as an allowed host. What am I missing?
Please help again!

camorri 07-15-2010 12:19 PM

Well, I glad I got you to the point of Webmin and editing the files you need. Sorry I can't help much with SQL. I have no experience at all. I hope someone else will jump in and help. If no one does, you could open a new thread so it get noticed.

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